Call for Speakers
Submitting abstracts
The Brew Asia 2025 Call for Speakers is now open and we welcome your submissions for either a presentation slot or workshop session at this year’s Brew Asia conference in Bangkok, 16-17 October 2025.
This is your opportunity to share your technical expertise, best practices or project excellence with an international audience of industry peers.
Presentation slots are 30 minutes each, ideally comprising a 20-minute talk and 10-minute Q&A.
Workshops are 45 minutes each, with all materials used during the workshop provided by the presenter/presenting company.
Presentation/Workshop Topics
Abstracts are invited for the following topic areas:
Individual or multiple brewing ingredients and the use thereof
Brewing processes, those with a focus on efficiency in the brewhouse/brewery would be considered favourably
Distribution and/or shipping logistics
Sales and consumer market development
Education (brewing or consumer)
Key dates
Download the submission form here
Please read the below guidelines BEFORE submitting the following Submission Form
Submission guidelines:
Only abstracts submitted as MS Word or OpenOffice files will be accepted. Please use the template provided on our website.
Abstracts must be submitted as an email attachment to Charles Guerrier at contact@asiabrewersnetwork.com
A submission confirmation will be sent to the presenting author after the successful submission of the abstract. This does not constitute an agreement or offer to present.
If selected, presenters must agree to provide their finished presentation to the organizers by 18th September, 2 weeks prior to Brew Asia. Changes to presentation content or formatting WILL NOT be permitted after this date.
Presenters must agree to their presentations being shared in PDF format with conference delegates following the conference.
Your abstract should follow the following format:
Proposed presentation title; max 150 characters, including spacing
Presentation/Workshop summary; min 250, max 400 words
Presenter’s Name
Presenter’s Company
Presenter’s Job Title
Brief Presenter’s work biography; max 150 words demonstrating experience in the topic proposed
Number of years presenting experience; please note presenters must have at least 5 years live presenting experience
Declare any corporate affiliation; if you are presenting a product or service on behalf of another company
Abstract title:
Your abstract title should be short and informative, and must not exceed 150 characters. It must be written in ‘sentence case’ – capitalise only the first letter and any words or abbreviations that must be capitalised, e.g. … . Do not write your title in all capital letters.
Abstract body:
Your abstract body can have a maximum of 400 words. The first sentences should provide the background of the topic to be addressed. This should be followed by more details to demonstrate its relevance to conference attendees and learning outcomes. The abstract body should be presented as one single paragraph – do not use multiple paragraphs or subheadings.
Abstract selection:
Abstracts will be reviewed by the organizers of Brew Asia and screened for relevance to Brew Asia’s 2024 Conference Theme: "Shaping A Stronger Brewing Industry".
The presenting author will be informed about the acceptance or non-acceptance of their submitted abstract for presentation by 15th July 2024
Abstracts submitted for consideration for oral presentation will be assessed for scientific quality, novelty and the fit with the Congress subtopics. Abstracts not meeting the quality standards will not be accepted.
Please note pure product presentations WILL NOT be accepted, presentations involving product, services or equipment must be solution based presentations solving everyday brewery or business problems.
By submitting an abstract, the presenting author confirms that all information contained in the abstract is correct and has been approved by any co-authors.
Submission of an abstract constitutes the authors' consent for publication. All accepted presentation abstracts and presenter information will be published in conference promotional materials prior to Brew Asia 2024.
The presenting author warrants on behalf of all co-authors and institutions that they own the rights of all the information and content provided to the organisers of Brew Asia and that the publication of the abstract does not infringe any third-party rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights.
Kindly note that the final presentation type and thematic assignment will be decided by the conference organizers.