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Book your tickets today!

Secure your ticket to invaluable insights from industry experts on incorporating new technologies and business development strategies, and propel your brewery to the next level!

Covering both the production and business sides of the beer world, join over 1,000 industry professionals for the latest innovations in ingredients, processes, and equipment that will unlock new levels of efficiency and creativity in your brewhouse.

Ticket price includes:

  • 2-Day conference

  • Trade fair access

  • Daily lunch

  • Conference bar

  • Welcome reception

  • Asia Beer Championship Awards Ceremony

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Brewers & Distributors
All Access


Brewers & Distributors
Group of 3+


Save 20%

Industry Suppliers



Who will attend Brew Asia 2024?
Brewers, Business Owners and Beer Distributors from throughout Asia as well as global Industry Suppliers. This is a B2B event and only open to members of the brewing industry (commercial & homebrewing).

What will be happening?
2 full days of Keynote Speakers, Workshops & Discussion Sessions and a Trade Fair as well as the Asia Beer & Cider Championships Awards Presentation. Evening networking events will be organized across the city.


What does my ticket include?
Your ticket includes entry to the Welcome Reception on Wednesday 2nd October (venue TBC), full access to the 2 days Brew Asia Conference & Trade Fair, daily lunch on showdays, access to complimentary Conference Bar, entry to evening Social Calendar events.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
Yes, due to the nature of the event and alcohol consumption laws attendees must be over the age of 18 yrs. The event organizers reserve the right to refuse or retract permission to enter for people found to be under the legal drinking age or intoxicated within the event site.

Do I have to bring my ticket to the event?
Yes. Please either bring your printed ticket or the ticket on your mobile phone for us to scan at registration before entering the event site.

Is my registration fee or ticket transferable?
No, tickets purchased are not transferable. Please contact the organizer if you require a refund.

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